Representing Nurse Anesthetists in Oregon since 1935.
Caring for Oregon for more than 100 years.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are well-established, proven-safe and cost-effective anesthesia providers. Oregon currently has more than 350 CRNAs serving Oregonians in all care settings, 40% of whom practice in the non-metropolitan and rural regions of Oregon. ORANA itself dates back to 1935 and is the professional association for CRNAs who preside or practice in the region. Nearly 93% of all CRNAs working in Oregon belong to this professional organization.
Important Dates
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Officers and Board Members
Dallas Regan, CRNA
Andrea Hargis, DNP, CRNA
Vice President
Eduardo Vargas, CRNA
Andrea Hargis, DNP, CRNA
Immediate Past President
Colin Doyle, BSN, MN, CRNA
Senior Director
Rachel Mitzel CRNA, MSN
Senior Director
Ashley Vasnaik, MSN
Senior Director
Rebecca Graniti, CRNA
Samantha Medkiff, CRNA
Linda Wenker, CRNA
Stephanie Eshleman, SRNA
Student Rep
Evelyn Bloomhart
Association Manager
Committee Members and Special Appointments
Linda Wenker, CRNA
Eduardo Vargas, CRNA
Jared Fairchild, CRNA
Government Relations
Andrea Hargis, DNP, CRNA
Samantha Medkiff, CRNA
PAC Chair
Emily Closs, CRNA
Communications and Public Relations
David Bullock, CRNA
Federal Political Director (FPD)
Shaun Jillions
Corporate Sponsors

Have Questions?
Would you like further information on ORANA? Please call, email, or use the form to submit your questions or requests and we will get back to you soon.
P (503) 874-1105
Evelyn Bloomhart at evelyn@oregon-crna.org